humanizam | humanis | |
humanizam | humanism | |
humanizam i renesansa | Humanisme and Renaissance | |
humano | humanly | |
humano | human | |
humanost | humanities | |
humanost | humannes | |
humanost | humaneness | |
humanost | humanism | |
Humerusova kost | Humerus Bone | |
huminska kiselina | humic acid | |
huminske i fulvinske kiseline | humic and fulvic acids | |
humka | moun | |
humka | tumulus | |
humor | humor |
Engleski rječnik
hepatic tumours | tumori jetre | |
hepatitis | hepatitis | |
hepatitis | upala jetre | |
hepatitis | žutica | |
hepatitis A | hepatitis A | |
hepatitis B | hepatitis B | |
hepatocarcinoma | hepatokarcinom | |
Hepatocellular carcinoma | Hepatocelularni karcinom | |
hepatocyte growth factor | hepatocitni factor rasta | |
hepatocytes | hepatociti | |
Hepatolenticular degeneration | hepatolentikularna degeneracija | |
hepatoma | hepatom | |
hepatopoietin | Hepatopoietin | |
hepatopoietin protein bands | hepatopoietin proteinske vrpce | |
hepatotocicity | hepatotoksičnost |