... Rječnik | standard za zaštitu podataka ... | pretty good privacy | Engleski rječnik
Unesi riječ


standard za zaštitu podataka na Internetu pretty good privacy  
standarda standard  
standarda standards  
standardan standard  
standardi standards  
standardi i njihova primjena standards and their application  
standardi i utvrđivanje odstupanja standards and establishing differences  
standardi Interneta Internet standards  
standardi kvalitete quality standards  
standardi međusobnog djelovanja interoperability standards  
standardi organizacije IEEE IEEE standards  
standardi razmjene podataka standards for data exchange  
standardi testiranja standards for testing  
standardi visokoškolske nastave standards in higher education  
standardi visokoškolske nastave standards of higher education  

Engleski rječnik

stand stativ  
stand tezga uličnog prodavca  
stand podupirae  
stand podmetae  
stand a chance imati izgleda  
stand age starost sastojine  
stand aside stajati po strani  
stand by pozor  
stand by pristalica  
stand by potpora  
stand by credits stand by krediti  
stand off uzdržljivost  
stand out ne sudjelovati  
stand still condition stanje mirovanja  
stand up otvoren  

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