sintetski | man-made | |
sintetski metali | synthetic metals | |
sintetski polimerni receptor | synthetic polymer receptor | |
sinteza | synthesis | |
sinteza glasa | voice synthesis | |
sinteza glicerola | glycerol production | |
sinteza glikozida | glycoside synthesis | |
sinteza govora | speech synthesis | |
sinteza govora | voice synthesis | |
sinteza govora iz teksta (pomoću računala) | text to speech | |
sinteza krunastih etera | synthesis of crown ethers | |
sinteza slike | picture synthesis | |
sinteza teksta u govor) | parser | |
sinteza uzoraka | sample synthesis | |
sinteze | synthetic presentations |
Engleski rječnik
Sindikat hrvatskih željeznieara | Railwaymen's Union of Croatia | |
Sindikat INE i naftnog gospodarstva | Represents industrial workers | |
Sindikat infrastrukture Hrvatskih željeznica | Railway Infrastructure Workers of Croatia | |
Sindikat metalaca Hrvatske | Metalworkers' Trade Union of Croatia | |
Sindikat policije Hrvatske | Union of Police of Croatia | |
Sindikat pomoraca Hrvatske | Seafarer's Union of Croatia | |
Sindikat prometnika vlakova Hrvatske | Union of Croatian Train Dispatchers | |
Sindikat službi kontrole leta | Trade Union of Air Traffic Control | |
Sindikat zaposlenih u poljoprivredi, prehrambenoj | Union of Food, Agriculture, Tobacco and Water Mana | |
sine | sinus | |
sine | trigonometrijska funkcija | |
sine curve | sinusna kriva | |
sine curve | sinusoida | |
sine-wave input | sinusnovalni ulaz | |
sine-wave input | sinusni ulaz |