indoktrinacija | indoctrination | |
indoktrinirati | indoctrinate | |
indol | imidazol | |
indol-3-octena kiselina | indole-3-acetic acid | |
indolencija | indolence | |
indolentan | indolent | |
indologija | Indology | |
indometacin | indomethacin | |
Indonezija | Indonesia | |
indonezijski | indonesian | |
indonezijski orašćić | cashew | |
indosament | endorsement | |
indosament | indorsement | |
indosant | endorser | |
indosant | indorser |
Engleski rječnik
in the middle of | nasred | |
in the middle of | posred | |
in the more settled situation | smirivanjem prilika | |
in the morning | do podne | |
in the morning | izjutra | |
in the name | u ime | |
in the normal manner | na uobičajen način | |
in the possession of | u posjedu | |
in the rain | na kiši | |
in the same boat | dijeliti istu sudbinu | |
in the same heading | u isti tarifni broj | |
in the same way | isto | |
in the territory of either party | na teritoriju bilo koje stranke | |
in the way | onako | |
in the way | na putu |