... Rječnik | trostrani sastanak | tri-partite meeting | Engleski rječnik
Unesi riječ


trostrani sastanak tri-partite meeting  
trostruk ternary  
trostruk threefold  
trostruk threeply  
trostruk thrice  
trostruk treble  
trostruk trifurcate  
trostruk trinal  
trostruk trine  
trostruk triple  
trostruki blok three-man block  
trostrukost triplicity  
trostupanjski three-stage  
trotraka zastava triband  
trotrakasta zastava triband  

Engleski rječnik

to reach an agreement postići sporazum  
to read pročitati  
to reaffirm one's commitment potvrditi svoju privrženost  
to receive general supervision nalaziti se pod općim nadzorom  
to recommend appropriate solutions predlagati prikladna rješenja  
to recover taxes naplatiti poreze  
to reduce customs duties sniziti carine  
to reduce pollution smanjiti zagađenje  
to refer a dispute uputiti spor  
to refer a matter uputiti predmet  
to refer for examination uputiti na razmatranje  
to refer problems priopćiti probleme  
to refuse odbiti  
to refuse assistance odbiti pomoć  
to reinforce cooperation učvrstiti suradnju  

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