... Rječnik | trzaj | convulsion | Engleski rječnik
Unesi riječ


trzaj convulsion  
trzaj hitch  
trzaj jolt  
trzaj jerk  
trzaj lug  
trzaj pull  
trzaj snatch  
trzaj start  
trzaj tug  
trzaj wince  
trzaj puške kick  
trzaj šipke bez spuštanja u duboki čučanj power snatch  
trzanje toss  
trzanje tug  
trzanje twitch  

Engleski rječnik

to this end u tom cilju  
to this end u tu svrhu  
to throw baciti  
to throw bacati  
to throw on the scrap-heap baciti u staro željezo  
to tie vezati  
to touch dirnuti  
to transact business obavljati poslove  
to transmit documents slati dokumente  
to travel putovati  
to tread a thorny path stupati trnovitim putom  
to turn okrenuti  
to undergo restructuring prolaziti kroz restrukturiranje  
to undergo treatment or processing biti podvrgnut obradi ili preradi  
to undergo working or processing proći obradu i preradu  

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