... Rječnik | tmina | darkness | Engleski rječnik
Unesi riječ


tmina darkness  
tmina gloom  
tmuran cheerless  
tmuran gloomy  
tmuran gray  
tmuran cherless  
tni brod manofwar ra  
TNM klasifikacija TNM classification  
to it  
to that  
to this  
to these  
to feel miserable bijedno se osjeaati  
to feel miserable oeajno se osjeaati  
to isto ditto  

Engleski rječnik

thee tebe  
thee tebi  
theft lopovluk  
theft krađa  
theft ukradena  
theft kradja  
their svoju  
their svoja  
their o  
their svojih  
their njezina  
their njih  
their njihova  
their njihove  
their svojim  

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